1.3.5 - win32 compatability changes - plugin dependency checks - main interface built using libglade - removed triggers for server IO_IN & IO_HUP due to boogs / non-portability - fixed load-by-extension - added movie animation framework - (FDTD-DATA) plugin for animation of FDTD output data - re-wrote cfg rw to use new GKeyFile instead of custom code - intelligent render loop (video automagically takes no cpu w/o anims) - Frame rate limiting on animation playback - removed support for fixed point gfx math 1.3.4 - compile, library stucture cleanups - added -ansi -pedantic, cleanups per SPLint - camera scripting engine (NULL demo) - callback-refresh display vs continuous refresh - optional sub-tree for filenames in left frame (object tree, etc) - (FDTD) gl display - library thread-safety work - object destruction cleanups - #include work, compile speedups - svr obj emits appropriate signals 1.3.3 - network init, abstraction - ssl support - automatic update notification - video / camera / window classes - (NULL) teapot demo 1.3.2 - splash screen fix - import / export (w/ NULL examples) - (FDTD) partition interface - (FDTD) probes, nff, all changed callbacks 1.3.1 The main interface is up and loading with a basic plugin structure in place. Basic FDTD / NULL plugins. 1.3.0 Hey folks, check out my new toy. A new tree, free from cruft, ready to rock...once I get everything (re)written that is :)